Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Pantry Taco Soup


Everyone often has a pantry of items and no idea on what to do with it. I was in that mode this week when I created this. I have a bunch of Rotel, tomato sauce and assorted things, so I put it all together to create this great soup.  

Guess what?! This is very low in salt too. Now you can use full on salt if you want, but my husband is low salt. 


Two Big Cans of Tomato Soup

2-3 lbs of Ground Beef

2 Corn on the Cob with corn cut off. It gives it a nice crunch.

1 Can of Rotel *drained*

1/4 C Taco Sauce

Taco Seasoning packet OR homemade taco seasoning

2-3 T Cilantro diced up

1/4 C Half in Half

32 oz of Broth. I only had chicken, so I used it. But I plan to use beef broth.

Taco Seasoning 

2 T. Chili Powder

2 Tsp Onion Powder

2 Tsp Cumin

1 Tsp Salt

2 Tsp Smoked Paprika

1 Tsp Cracked Pepper

Combine and stir. This can be kept in a jar away from heat


Brown your ground beef, drain and set aside. In a pot, add your tomato sauce, corn, taco sauce, rotel, taco seasoning, Cilantro, half and half, broth and ground beef. Stir till combined. Heat on low, making sure you stir often. 

This soup can easily be frozen for later use or used over rice to make yet a second meal.

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