Friday, September 30, 2022

Sausage French Toast Roll Ups


Sausage French Toast Roll Ups


8 slices of bread with crust cut off

1 package of sausage links

1 egg

1/4 C milk 

1 Tsp Cinnamon

1 Tsp Nutmeg


Cook your sausage till they are done. Set aside on a plate. Next take your bread with the crust cut off and roll it flat with a rolling pin. Next in a bowl mix your egg, milk, cinnamon and nutmeg. Set aside. Now take your sausage link and wrap it in a slice of bread. Next take the roll and put it in the egg batter. Put it in a frying pan and keep an eye on it. Roll it around so it evenly gets cooked. Once they are all done, dust them with powdered sugar and serve with warm maple syrup. Eat and enjoy!

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