Friday, September 30, 2022

Low Salt Chicken Stir Fry


(Better picture will be taken at a later date)

I created this meal with what I had in my pantry and freezer. This dish can easily be made with leftover chicken and any frozen veggies in your freezer. This dish is low salt, but you can use soy sauce if you choose. Soy sauce even low sodium is high in sodium. So, I used Worcestershire Sauce and Amino Acid

Chicken Stir Fry


Chicken Breasts or thighs diced up. 

2 bags of frozen stir fry mix or whatever frozen veggies you have

5-6 T Garlic Powder 

1 Tsp Ginger

1 Tsp Salt

2 T Pepper

2 T Garlic Rub (optional)

1/4 C Worcestershire Sauce

2 T Amino Acid

If you want, you can just do 1/4 C of soy sauce if you are not watching salt. 

Rice (Cook according to directions for the amount you need)


Dice up your chicken and set it aside. In a skillet or pan put in a swirl of the oil you use. I personally use Olive Oil, but you can do whatever you have. Heat it. In a bowl mix your seasonings and toss your chicken in it. Easiest way is mix seasonings in a bowl and dump in a baggy with chicken. No mess shake chicken bag. Put seasoned chicken in the skillet and cook till chicken is pretty much done. Start your rice. Toss in your Worcestershire sauce and amino acid (or soy sauce). You need it to be able to coat chicken and frozen veggies. Once you add the sauce, dump in your frozen vegetables and stir to coat. Cook until the vegetables are heated through, and everything is mixed and cooked. 

Serve on top of rice. I used brown rice, but you can choose whatever rice you want. 


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